2 if peek(&h10)=1 then cls:print"Program requires color":end
10 cls:dim x(4575),y(4575):goto 18
11 if rv>995 then co=14:return
12 if rv>985 then co= 9:return
13 if rv>970 then co=12:return
14 co=11:return
18 on error goto 150
20 i$=inkey$:if i$>"" then 20
25 screen 9,,0,0:cls:locate 8,29:print"Are The Stars Random?":locate 10,18:print"Press <1> View Slides or <2> Exit the program"
30 i$=inkey$:if I$="2" then 140 else if i$<>"1" then 30
40 screen 9,,0,0:cls:locate 8,37:input"How many generations";nf$:nf=val(nf$):if nf=0 then nf=1
50 locate 16,21:print"During display press <ENTER> to stop slides":locate 10,20:input"Slides for every how many generations";gs$:gs=val(gs$):if gs=0 then gs=1